Showing posts with label 8/2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8/2020. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2020

Seed of Destiny 10th August 2020 [Sunday] – The Plague of Rebellion And Lawlessness In The End Time


In the end time, people will break laws and take laws into their hands.

Topic For Today Is “The Plague of Rebellion And Lawlessness In The End Time”

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Seed of Destiny 9th August 2020 [Sunday] – Lovelessness And Wickedness In The End Time


As a Christian, it is not a sin to have money but it is a sin to allow money to have you.

Topic For Today Is “Lovelessness And Wickedness In The End Time”

Seeds of Destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Seed of Destiny 8th August 2020 [Saturday] – The Vanities of Fleshly Please


As a Christian, it is not a sin to have money but it is a sin to allow money to have you.

Topic For Today Is “The Vanities of Fleshly Please”

Friday, August 7, 2020

Seed of Destiny 7th August 2020 [Friday] – The Quest For Pleasure – A Sign of The End Time


The craving for self-pleasure is the root of many vices. It is for the sake of self-pleasure that people engage in dirty competition.

Topic For Today Is “The Quest For Pleasure – A Sign of The End Time”

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Seed of Destiny 5th August 2020 [Wednesday] – The Perilous Time

We are in the end time, a perilous time characterised by strength reduction. It is a time where people’s spiritual strength, prayer life, fasting life, etc. will decrease.

Topic For Today Is “The Perilous Time”

Seeds of Destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Seed of Destiny 4th August 2020 [Tuesday] – The End Time And The Plague of Backsliding

Spiritual coldness has also become a major plague wreaking havoc in the lives of many Christians in this end time.

Topic For Today Is “The End Time And The Plague of Backsliding”

Seeds of Destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche

Today’s Bible verse:  And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12.

Thought For The Day: The epidemic of backsliding is a sign of the end time.


It is a fact that a major feature of the end time is the growing lack of passion for God (Matt. 24:12). Due to the escalation of iniquity, the love for both God and people has waxed cold today. Spiritual coldness has also become a major plague wreaking havoc in the lives of many Christians in this end time.

Now, there are signs of spiritual coldness. There are symptoms to show low spiritual temperature. In our study today, we shall look at the state of people with low spiritual temperature.

One sign of low spiritual temperature is struggle with one’s spirituality. This struggle usually culminates in backsliding or pulling back from the faith. The epidemic of backsliding is a sign of the end time.

Today, a sister who was once strong in the Lord can backslide to a point of marrying an unbeliever. And she will no longer be able to maintain her Christian testimony. The abundance of iniquity has caused her love for God to wax cold, thereby making her to backslide.

There was a man who used to be impactful for God, but backslid. His wife quarrelled with him and pushed him out of the house, and into the hands of “Jezebels”. Suddenly, this once impactful man of God began to go out with different women and eventually contracted HIV/AIDS and died. It was a very sad day for me when I heard of his tragic end. I wept as I saw this once lively brother lay lifeless like a stick.

Sometime ago, I talked to a young man who said to me, “Sir, I was so heavily anointed in the past that I made great impact. I could lay hands on people and see unusual results but now, I see myself doing things that I am ashamed of telling anyone about”.

Now, this same young man smokes and drinks at alcoholic joints. Some of the people he once preached to, asked him: “Are you not the person who used to be on fire for God?” He denied, and told them that he was not the same person they knew. This was because his life then and his life now are two worlds apart. This shall not be your portion in Jesus’ Name.

Beloved, my counsel to you is, refuse to be carried away by the spiritual lethargy of this age. Make up your mind to remain on fire for God always.

Remember this: The epidemic of backsliding is a sign of the end time.


1. Make up your mind not to let your spiritual fire reduce.

2. Resist every habit and practice that will reduce your fire and spiritual intensity in God.

3. Take a periodic “consecrational” fast to remain on fire for God.

PRAYER: O Lord, thank You for Your Word to me today. I ask for the grace to maintain my fire intensity always, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: To see His intervention in your life and in your Ministry, endure to the end. To give up is to miss it completely. Culled from, “MAKING FULL PROOF OF MINISTRY” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 61-63

AMAZING FACT: Embryos develop fingerprints three months after conception

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I break the spell and temptation unto backsliding off your life, in Jesus’ Name.

Today’s Seed of Destiny devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Seed of Destiny 3rd August 2020 [Monday] –The End Time And the Deficiency of Passion For God

Today, you see Christians struggle with their prayer life. People of spiritual fire are losing their fire and passion for God; people of integrity are losing their integrity because of the abundance of iniquity.

Topic For Today Is “The End Time And the Deficiency of Passion For God”

Seeds of Destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Seed of Destiny 2nd August 2020 [Sunday] –The Iniquities of the End Time

Evil is on the increase because we are close to the end of the age.

Topic For Today Is “The Iniquities of the End Time”

Seeds of Destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche