Seed of Destiny 22nd July 2020 [Wednesday] –Dedication-Being Defensive of God And His Cause

Man’s greatest potential comes out of his unity with and commitment to God; the best of man comes out in the Presence of God.
Topic For Today Is “Dedication-Being Defensive of God And His Cause “
Seeds of Destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche
Today’s Bible verse: Numbers 25:11 “Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, while he was zealous for my sake among them, that I consumed not the children of Israel in my jealousy.”
Thought For The Day: When you are dedicated to God, you exist to serve the interest of God in your generation.
It has been confirmed that man’s greatest potential comes out of his unity with and commitment to God (Acts 4:13). In other words, the best of man comes out in the Presence of God. And because the best of man comes out in the presence, we are duty-bound to be dedicated to God.
Now, having seen the necessity of dedication, the question is, what does it imply to be dedicated to God?
We have seen various implications of dedication to God in our previous studies. Today, we shall be looking at another implication of dedication to God: Dedication to God implies living or existing to defend the cause of God in your generation.
As a husband, you are dedicated to defending your wife and children whenever anybody confronts them. Also, as a wife, you are committed to your husband in defending him. In the same manner, dedication to God implies defending the cause of God in your generation. When you are dedicated to God, you exist to serve the interest of God in your generation. You are jealous for God.
You are protective of God’s Name, God’s plans and God’s purposes and agenda in your generation. It is not in your presence that God and His agenda on earth will be ridiculed and resisted. People can do or say anything they want to say about God but not where you are.
Phinehas in our anchor scripture above portrayed a good example of jealousy for God. He was jealous for God and defended His (God’s) cause in his time. The children of Israel committed immorality and twenty-four thousand people died. Then an Israelite took a Midianitish woman to the tent and was committing immorality with her.
And Phinehas rose from the camp, took a Javelin and thrust both the Israelite and the woman through their bellies. So, the plague was stayed from the children of Israel (Numbers 25:7-8). And because Phinehas was jealous for God, moved swiftly and defended God, God gave him and his generations the covenant of peace and priesthood (Numbers 25:12-13).
Beloved, this is what God can do for anyone who is jealous for Him. Make up your mind to move and act on behalf of God when others are indifferent and lukewarm to Him and His cause on the earth.
Remember this: When you are dedicated to God, you exist to serve the interest of God in your generation.
1. Ask God for the grace to be jealous for His cause and Kingdom on earth like Phinehas.
2. Never keep quiet when God and His Kingdom are being maligned.
3. Stand against every form of conduct and association that will bring a reproach to the Name of God.
PRAYER: Lord, I ask for the grace to be jealous for Your Cause and Kingdom on the earth. Help me to defend Your Name, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Compromise deflates confidence; corruption corrupts the future. Culled from “365 WISDOM CAPSULES” by Dr Paul Enenche
AMAZING FACT: The Bible is always the bestselling book of the year. Approximately 100 million Bibles are sold or given away each year. That would be 8 million a month, 270,000 daily, 11,000 per hour, 190 per minute and 3 Bibles per second.
PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: Grace to stand as a major defender of God in your generation is released upon you right now in Jesus’ Name.
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