Seed of Destiny 5th July 2020 [Sunday] – The Power of the Blessing

When the Blessing of God comes upon your life, you become unusually productive. You cannot be retrenched or fired for redundancy.
Topic For Today Is “The Power of the Blessing”
Seeds of Destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche
Today’s Bible verse:Genesis 1:28.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Thought For The Day: The Blessing imparts the supernatural force for the commencement of a new beginning.
One of the most powerful forces on earth is the force of the Blessing. The Blessing of God is behind the making of great men, both in the Scriptures and in contemporary times. Men like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, etc., were made by the Blessing of God.
Now, what is the power of the Blessing?
1. The Blessing imparts the supernatural force for the commencement of a new beginning (Gen. 1:28).
The Blessing imparts the supernatural force for the commencement of a new beginning. This is why in the beginning; it was not money or certificate that God gave to Adam but the Blessing. So, the Blessing imparts supernatural force for the commencement of a new beginning.
2. The Blessing imparts the supernatural force for the activation of potential and the exhibition of productivity (Gen. 1:28).
“…be fruitful and multiply…” implies the activation of potential and exhibition of productivity. This means, when the Blessing of God comes upon your life, what you carry inside of you comes out. When the Blessing of God comes upon your life, you become unusually productive. You cannot be retrenched or fired for redundancy.
3. The Blessing imparts the supernatural force that positions people for generational influence and impact (Gen.1:28).
“…and replenish the earth…”means influence your world. When a man is blessed, he cannot be an onlooker or a spectator in life but an active participant. The Blessing of God makes you a force to reckon with. It makes you a generational influence like Abraham and Isaac. When you are blessed, whatever your profession or career is; your generation can’t claim ignorance of your existence.
4. The Blessing positions the blessed in the realm of authority and dominion (Gen. 1:28).
“…and have dominion …” implies existence in the realm of authority and dominion. This means, a blessed man cannot end as a loser in life or end in defeat. A blessed person is a man or woman in charge wherever you find him or her. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph were in charge in their time because the Blessing was upon them.
Beloved, make up your mind to go for the Blessing. Let the Blessing be a reality in your life. Determine to function in the Blessing.
Remember this: The Blessing imparts the supernatural force for the commencement of new beginning.
1. Determine to function in the Blessing of God for your life.
2. Make demands on God for the release of the Blessing in your life.
3. Be involved in the practice of the covenant to attract the Blessing of God.
PRAYER:O Lord, thank You for the provision of Your Blessing for the productivity and fruitfulness of my life. I ask that You release Your Blessing on my life today, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: The overflow is divinely commanded blessing or harvest. It is blessing under pressure – the blessing that looks for you instead of you looking for it. Culled from “21 UNCOMMON KEYS TO FINANCIAL OVERFLOW” by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: Christianity is increasingly popular among China’s youth. As many as 100 million people, or 7 percent of the population, have converted to the religion. The city of Wenzhou alone has more than 1,100 churches.
PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: Grace to live in uprightness in order to attract the Blessing of the Lord is released upon you in Jesus’ Name.
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