Seed of Destiny 8th July 2020 [Wednesday] – His Glory Untouched, Miracles Unleashed!

It is easy for God to work when He is the only One on the scene; God works when man is out of the way.
Topic For Today Is “His Glory Untouched, Miracles Unleashed!”
Seeds of Destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche
Today’s Bible verse:Isaiah 42:8.
I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
Thought For The Day:It is easy for God to work when He is the only One on the scene; God works when man is out of the way.
A major key to experiencing the power of God in life and destiny is allowing Him to take His glory. When God is guaranteed of taking the glory for all His works, He will work more effortlessly.
For instance, while Elisha was alive, he struggled to raise a dead child of the woman of Shunem. At first, he sent his rod through Gahazi. Gehazi tried but couldn’t raise the dead child until Elisha stretched himself out on the dead child and the child came back to life (2 Kings 4:18-37). It took so much effort for Elisha to raise the child.
But something interesting happened after Elisha had died and was buried. There was a dead man who was raised back to life after his body was brought in contact with the bones of Elisha (2 Kings 13:20-21). In that case, Elisha didn’t have to send anyone. He didn’t even pray for the dead man himself because he (Elisha) too had died. As people were trying to bury the dead man, the remains of this man touched Elisha’s dead bones, and the dead man came back to life.
Now, the question is, why did Elisha in his lifetime struggle to raise a dead child but after he had died, the remains of a dead man only touched his dry bones and the man came back to life? As I meditated on this, the Lord said, “After Elisha had died, there was no one to struggle for my glory.” The flesh that normally struggled with God for His glory was no more.
Remember that the dead man’s remains touched Elisha’s bones and not his flesh. The personality that would have struggled with God for His glory had gone. The person who would have been bragging about the miracle was no more alive. It is easy for God to work when He is the only One on the scene. God works when man is out of the way. There is no enemy of the move of God like the flesh of man.
Beloved, determine to let your flesh die so God can take His glory. Get out of the way and let God get on the scene. Don’t touch God’s glory and don’t allow anyone touch it where you are. This is because when the glory of God is untouched by man, the power of God is unleashed in miracles, signs and wonders.
Remember this: It is easy for God to work when He is the only one on the scene; God works when man is out of the way.
1. Make up your mind never to touch God’s glory, and don’t allow anyone touch it where you are.
2. Give glory to God always and ascribe praises to Him when men misdirect His praises to you.
PRAYER:Lord, thank You for Your Word to me today. I repent today, Lord, in any way I may have touched Your glory in the past. I receive the grace to give You all the glory in all that I do henceforth, Lord, in Jesus’ Name..
QUOTE: And it was when the pattern was followed that the glory fell. So, the glory of God follows the pattern of God. Culled from “MAKING FULL PROOF OF MINISTRY” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY BIBLE READING: Proverbs 31, Ecclesiastes 2
AMAZING FACT: More people go to church in china on Sundays than the whole of Europe. There are more Christians in China than the population of Britain.
PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: Grace to get the flesh out of the way of the move of God in your life is released on you today in Jesus’ Name.
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